Quick check-in: how are we doing? We’re all on day, I don’t know, 1000? (at least, right?!) of quarantine; how’s it going? Disorienting is probably the best word to describe things at our home. One day things feel magical, sacred; I’ll be wearing a flowy dress and baking cookies in between games of chess and reading Narnia aloud… then the next day everyone is screaming and the house is a wreck and it feels like there is a suitcase full of bricks on my chest and I have to exert active will-power not to pour Scotch into my coffee mug (kidding…kind of). So that back and forth, up and down – it can drive one a bit batty. I’m sure y’all are experiencing something similar in your own homes. However stressful and BANANAS it can feel at times, there really is something so comforting in the fact that we’re all in it together.
That’s actually what gave me the idea for this new little series I’m kicking off today (I say “series” but that may not be quite right because I don’t think I’ll post them all in a row…so maybe it’s more of a collection?). With everyone spending unprecedented amounts of time at home right now (which can be an extremely stressful situation), it feels more important than ever to make our homes work for us. We’re cooking, baking, and cleaning more than we ever imagined we would, so why not make sure that our essentials – the things we use every day – not only serve a purpose, but brighten the moment? It’s completely possible to have common household items designed so well that they actually become pleasurable to use. I’ve been in the process of introducing these things into our home over the last decade, and I promise it makes a difference.
So without further ado, I bring you the first of the “Essentially Beautiful” series, where we’ll look specifically in the kitchen. There are a couple of splurges in there, but HEAR ME: being beautiful doesn’t always mean being expensive.
What do we think? Are we into this idea? I’ll be covering bathrooms, cleaning, and laundry in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!
Love this series so much!
Yay! Thank you, friend!