Onto the Next Chapter – We’re Moving!


Sharing big news has to be one of my least favorite activities. Whether it’s sharing a pregnancy, that I’ve started a business, that our kids have changed schools…I just hate it. Anyone else feel this? It’s a weird combination of being vulnerable (“This is a major life event, please don’t be mean!” if there’s a hint of criticism) and embarrassed (“Okay, settle down, look away, talk amongst yourselves!” if people are super supportive and make a big deal alongside us). But, alas, the news must be shared.

read about our dining room or kitchen renovations

We have lived in our current home for just about six years, and we have been so grateful for this place. While not our first house, it’s the one our children remember with any clarity. It’s housed not only our family, but our memories. We’ve experienced the fullness of joy and the most acute pain here. Celebrated victories and mourned major losses. This house and the projects therein were the catalyst for starting Sarah Fultz Interiors. I could truly go on and on about what this place has meant to us.

As our family has grown, however, so has the way we live and use our home. The boys keep getting bigger (who said that was okay??), and it’s long been our desire to give them more outdoor space to be their wild selves. The layout of this house also doesn’t serve our needs like it once did. Having all of our bedrooms together side-by-side was amazing when the boys were little and needed to be nursed or comforted frequently during the night, but now the thought of a bit of separation and breathing room between our bedrooms sounds lovely (oh, to not hear every sneeze, giggle, and quarrel – BLISS!). Not to mention our daily commutes (Fultz to his office and the boys to their school) have slowly started wearing on us.

read all about our family room details

But like I said: this house is incredibly precious to us, and we weren’t going to up and leave for just any ol’ place. Over the past few years, several properties have come across our path and caught our eyes. We’ve made offers, only to be outbid or have things fall through for other reasons (and this was before the real estate craziness of this past year, too). It was beginning to feel like a move wasn’t in the cards for us, and we contented ourselves with the fact that we absolutely love our current home, regardless of it’s (admittedly very minor) limitations.

read about our master bedroom transformation

Then…one more property peaked its pretty head out of the masses and called us over. I’ll share more details about it and the process of buying/selling later in another post, but suffice to say it’s been a whirlwind of a past month. We’re currently in the midst of boxing, purging, scheduling, and planning for our move next week. You read that correctly – next week. Nothing like moving in December… when holiday commitments abound… and your kids have exams… and your eldest has a birthday…it’s fine I’m fine we’re fine.

I’ve been sitting on this news and bursting to share with you guys for weeks, and feel relieved (and slightly nauseated) that it’s finally out there. Our family would SO appreciate your prayers over the next couple of weeks; that our boys would feel settled and content quickly, that we would be wise in our stewardship of God’s resources, that we wouldn’t miss the beauty and wonder of the advent season by getting so wrapped up in our daily tasks and to-dos associated with the move, or however the Spirit leads you 🙂

I’ll leave you with this little sneak peek of the new place (zoom in for a sweet brother moment) – can’t wait to show you more!



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  1. Jana Threlkeld says:

    Congratulations! When I saw the headlines I was so sad thinking you were leaving Dallas! You’re not right?!?!

  2. Becky says:

    Dreamy! Can’t wait to watch you add your creative touch!